Moving House

Your new house is beautiful! Congratulations! After packing, lifting, arranging, planning, organizing, and everything else that goes into moving, you made it! Our packing tips have already helped you out, how about our guide to unpacking? Let's get started!

Organize your furniture

Let's not be clumsy! Be sure that every furniture piece is in its new location before moving on to that. Set up your bedroom in the way that you prefer, and it will make unpacking much easier.

Make sure the space is clean

Getting everything in order before you start is a great idea if you haven't already done it. The best way to go through the house is room by room, top to bottom. Any item that needs to be cleaned, including ceiling fans, walls, windows, benches, skirting boards, and floors.

Involve your children (or not)

You can get the kids involved in unpacking according to their age and willingness to participate. It will help them adjust to their new environment if they help set it up, and collapsing boxes is quite a fun activity. Keeping them busy while you do the hard work might make the whole process easier if they aren't overly involved.

Don't forget the basics

It makes unpacking much easier if you pack an essentials box, and it gives you a perfect place to start. A good rule to follow when moving is to separate rooms, and when unpacking you should start with the things and areas you use the most. You're probably going to need the bathrooms sooner rather than later. Also, don't wait until bedtime to finish putting the sheets on the bed.

Taking care of yourself and your family is number four
You should get your most anxious member of the household settled in first. Putting in the effort to prepare their new room and making sure they're comfortable in it will make the process go much smoother for all of us.

Procrastination and unpacking

It's understandable that unpacking doesn't bring joy. Getting started and losing momentum halfway through a move is common when moving house. When viewed halfway through, open-heart surgery would seem like murder. Those feelings can be avoided by following these steps!

Don't forget to tidy up every step of the way

There's nothing easier than getting carried away when packing up your home, and what you end up with is a tornado of packing peanuts and cardboard. Have you ever thought about going room-by-room? Cleaning is no different. After you've unpacked your bedroom, put everything back in its place, remove the trash, and move on to the next one. Later, you'll thank us for saving your sanity.

Identify your goals, create a plan, and don't be upset if it takes longer than you expected. Your new home is finally ready, so sit back and enjoy it!

Decide when you want to achieve your goal

To stay on track, you need to create that sense of urgency. Mark a date on your calendar that works for you, and don't budge! It might even be a good idea to invite friends over to see the new place when everything is in order.

Small steps lead to big changes

Organize one part of your home at a time! Make your to-do list more manageable by breaking it up into smaller, more manageable items. Post-it notes can be used for each step, and you can pull them off the wall as you complete them. Felt great!

Get rid of distractions
You may want to keep the kids busy so that you can work, you can turn on music rather than the TV, or you may just want to leave your phone in another room. You can unpack with our favorite songs.

Movers Melbourne

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